I just want to create simple stories of simply amazing people.

May 24, 2007

i fell in love…

Filed under: Snapshots — valerielancaster @ 3:56 pm

with an 11 year old. well, not exactly. But after reading this, I think of how beautiful the redemption process is, how fulfilling, etc. No one ever thinks of how difficult and tumultuous it can be during the process, before the victory. Sometimes, being in America, it can seem that all of the scary circumstances in a child’s life only happens overseas in third world countries, or godless nations. However, sometimes a child can be neglected and abused right next door, falling right through the cracks of our education and social service system. I can’t help but want to follow this young kid along in his life as he grows up…What will he become, what will he accomplish? What potential exists within him? These stories are the ones that give me hope, make me smile, spur me on…to share…I hope you will enjoy the story as much as I did…I don’t have many more words, as I want his life to speak for me…

April 26, 2007

Be the Change

Filed under: Action — valerielancaster @ 3:44 pm

I have all of these ideas of what I want to do with this blog…how I want the layout to be…who I want to write about,etc. But, if I continue to “think” about it, I won’t “act” on it…So, as I am reading Radiant Magazine, I am finding so many stories of brave women who are in action. My favorite article, part of which you can see here is about women who are “rolling up their sleeves and giving back”. This article of which I suggest you purchase a hard copy speaks about different women who have tried finding out what it means to be a follower of Christ in the area of giving…no longer just sending a check in the mail to a ministry, although I know that is a wonderful thing, but getting one’s hands dirty at the same time, Lindsay Meyers says, “The more that I get to know the Lord and really get into the Word, the more I feel called to help out in the community and love the ‘unlovely,'”. As my friend Allie so eloquently puts it we are being more creative in how we express out love, our giving, our selflessness…Hopefully, I will do this blog justice, and continue to show ways in which people are living their lives selflessly for others…

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